1-800-Bill Murray aka “St. Vincent”

First props to deviantart.com for this gorgeous art rendering of Bill Murray! Ok, I was excited about St. Vincent. Wes Anderson cameos aside (most recently “Grand Budapest Hotel”), Bill Murray hasn’t had a lead role in a long while. And I’ve had a Bill Murray crush since his nerdy-sexy SNL days. Lost in Translation has… Continue reading 1-800-Bill Murray aka “St. Vincent”

My Old Crush is in “My Old Lady”

I try hard not to read reviews before I go see a film, but I confess I took a sneak peak to Rotten Tomatoes before heading out to Pittsford Cinema in Rochester, New York to view “My Old Lady”. A trusted friend had told me it was good, but I wanted a professional’s opinion. A… Continue reading My Old Crush is in “My Old Lady”

Gone Girl, I Rest My Case

Miraculously my surprise was intact by the middle of “Gone Girl” despite its notoriety as a best selling book and that the movie had been out for ten days. I take partial credit, not reading the New Yorker review, which is notoriously plot synopsis. I enjoyed three quarters of the film until Ben Affleck’s character… Continue reading Gone Girl, I Rest My Case

Turturro: Woody Allen, a welcome salve. Yes, you read that correctly.

Woody Allen Listen, I lost two of my favorite funny people this year; Robin Williams and Joan Rivers. And I hadn’t seen Woody Allen do the film persona Woody Allen since the ’80’s. So thank you John Turturro for writing a directing “Fading Gigilo” which I finally had a chance to get on-demand this weekend.… Continue reading Turturro: Woody Allen, a welcome salve. Yes, you read that correctly.

Love Strange, but Chopin Marvelous

marisa tomei Saw “Love is Strange” at my favorite theater, The Little in Rochester, New York. I’ve been a fan of Marisa Tomei forever and while I’d like to say this is a knockout performance equal to “Before the Devil Knows Your Dead”, alas, it’s not Oscar season just yet. The best thing about the… Continue reading Love Strange, but Chopin Marvelous

Frank-ly Give a Damn and a Half

Reminiscent of my recent “The Drop” experience, the movie “Frank”, directed by Lenny Abrahamson, leads to a slow boil. And while The Drop’s after effects were more about character and acting appreciation, my post Frank experience carried more emotion, especially when I saw the birth and death dates of the real Frank, Chris Sievey’s (1955-2010).… Continue reading Frank-ly Give a Damn and a Half

Craig Johnson & Ej Manuel, any relation?

I saw Skeleton Twins at an almost empty theater on a freakishly gorgeous Sunday for Rochester, New York. The Bills were going down to the Texans during my film immersion and I wondered after if Craig Johnson, co-writer of Skeleton Twins was fall guy for the oddly paced first half of the movie. I tend… Continue reading Craig Johnson & Ej Manuel, any relation?

“A Trip to Italy”, akin to sorbet; pretty colors, shallow nutrition

I’m a bit of a homebody and that trait tranfers over to my vacation choices as well. Meaning, I like to vacation in the ol’ US of A and think a sojourn to Italy is the equivalent of buying a fine wine when the local varietal is just as palatable. But hold up! Michael Winterbottom’s… Continue reading “A Trip to Italy”, akin to sorbet; pretty colors, shallow nutrition

The Drop

The Drop is directed by Michael R. Roskam, who wrote and directed the Academy Award Foreign Film Nominated Bullhead, which I’ll seek out now that I’ve seen the understated beauty of The Drop, viewed at the always-smells-like-a-swampy locker room Pittsford Cinema near Rochester, New York. The Drop is another in the litter of a new… Continue reading The Drop

In Your Dreams: Documentary The Party’s Over

I rarely remember dreams and when I do, often get a kick out noticing how my day’s reality contributed to the fantasy’s creation. So last night’s doozy came after an interesting concoction of a Netflix political documentary created by Philip Seymour Hoffman called The Party’s Over, found on some sites as Last Party 2000 and… Continue reading In Your Dreams: Documentary The Party’s Over