Landline, an abrasive ringer, but it gets your attention

A GETROXY TRAILER: Coming soon, I’m going to try my hand at an audio widget! Stay tuned! Landline is a new movie written by Gillian Robespierre (also the writer of Obvious Child) and Eisabeth Holm (creator of the doc Paradise Lost which sounds grueling to watch, but perhaps worth the torture considering it involves the… Continue reading Landline, an abrasive ringer, but it gets your attention

Turturro: Woody Allen, a welcome salve. Yes, you read that correctly.

Woody Allen Listen, I lost two of my favorite funny people this year; Robin Williams and Joan Rivers. And I hadn’t seen Woody Allen do the film persona Woody Allen since the ’80’s. So thank you John Turturro for writing a directing “Fading Gigilo” which I finally had a chance to get on-demand this weekend.… Continue reading Turturro: Woody Allen, a welcome salve. Yes, you read that correctly.