No Hard Feelings: Bringin’ Back the Bawdy

Gene Stupnitsky (Picture Groucho Marx with a cigar saying, “With a last name like that you’ve got to have a sense of humor”) and John Phillips wrote No Hard Feelings with the former (Stupnitsky) directing the movie. They worked together on The Office and Stupnitsky also wrote and directed Bad Teacher, another guilty pleasure of… Continue reading No Hard Feelings: Bringin’ Back the Bawdy

The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

I’ve always enjoyed Wes Anderson with one exception, French Dispatch. And when I say exception, I hated the depressing black and white, couldn’t relate to any of the characters and the three stories amounted to an emotional zilch. But Wes Anderson, with the help of Roman Coppola, has returned to an artistically creative plateau with… Continue reading The Return I Was Hoping For: W.A.’s Asteroid City

The Eight Mountains: Rapturous Butte* (*2 syllables, long E)

Ok humor me on the title, since I just went down a rabbit hole searching for a clever mountain term. I now know the Alps are still getting taller and what a massif is…I digress… The Eight Mountains is a fabulous book written by Paolo Cognetti and was adapted to the screen by writer/director Felix… Continue reading The Eight Mountains: Rapturous Butte* (*2 syllables, long E)

It Ain’t Over; I Sure Hope Not

It Ain’t Over is a touching documentary written and directed by Sean Mullin. I fought back tears several times and credit Yogi Berra’s gorgeous life story most, but Sean Mullin assuredly spun the tale in a very entertaining way. Mostly through excellent old films and news clippings, Mullin uses Berra’s beautiful granddaughter as the springboard… Continue reading It Ain’t Over; I Sure Hope Not