20th Century Women: At least one Goddess

Please listen to one of my favorite Jazz singer’s Gregory Porter as you read this blog: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=gregroy+porter+time+is+ticking&view=detail&mid=C79BF22AB3363629ABC9C79BF22AB3363629ABC9&FORM=VIRE The best thing a movie can do to you is make you realize, as Gregory Porter sings, that time is ticking. And 20th Century Women does just that, quietly sneaking up on you to say, “Pssst, what are… Continue reading 20th Century Women: At least one Goddess

Rituals Paterson Rituals

The Red Wheelbarrow* (William Carlos Williams, 1883 – 1963) so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens. Jim Jarmusch used William Carlos Williams as his muse for the movie Paterson. And if you’re going to see a movie without any action, based on poetry, one would think… Continue reading Rituals Paterson Rituals

Never Say Never: Lion

I said I’d never see Lion because I couldn’t handle a lost child story. Then my son visited for a weekend and he also declined both Manchester and Lion, I think because he’s feeling a bit lost in Brooklyn right now and I assume because he was worried a downer or emotional movie might make… Continue reading Never Say Never: Lion

Music to My Ears

Another off film topic that I love–music! My son’s visiting this weekend inspired me to GET HIP and listen to Ben Ratliff’s Best Albums of 2016 http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/news/a50342/2016-music-chaos-best/ which I reordered from his article into my best to worst: The first three are pretty much a tie and far above the rest (though Chance the Rapper?… Continue reading Music to My Ears

Sins of the Father and Fences (TBR)

I’ll be seeing Fences sooner or later (TBR=to be reviewed), and my justification for a movie break was my mission to read as much of Stalin’s Daughter by Rosemary Sullivan and then attend a talk about the book at Selby Library by a very well spoken Dr. Kushner. A quote he articulated sums up not… Continue reading Sins of the Father and Fences (TBR)