Feelings and Honesty: C’mon C’mon

C’mon C’mon written and directed by Mike Mills is a film everyone should see, but probably won’t. This is VERY UNFORTUNATE, given that Burt Bacharach and Hal David’s 1965 song, ‘what the world needs now is love sweet love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of” is still very relevant. Especially for… Continue reading Feelings and Honesty: C’mon C’mon

20th Century Women: At least one Goddess

Please listen to one of my favorite Jazz singer’s Gregory Porter as you read this blog: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=gregroy+porter+time+is+ticking&view=detail&mid=C79BF22AB3363629ABC9C79BF22AB3363629ABC9&FORM=VIRE The best thing a movie can do to you is make you realize, as Gregory Porter sings, that time is ticking. And 20th Century Women does just that, quietly sneaking up on you to say, “Pssst, what are… Continue reading 20th Century Women: At least one Goddess