Need For Speed and Splenda: Top Gun Maverick

I thoroughly bought in by the second half of Top Gun Maverick (directed by Joseph Kosinski), the long postponed follow-up to the 1980’s machismo cult favorite. The dramatic pauses made me giggle a bit in the first half as did the intensely serious military explanations. But not a big deal, simply like jumping into a… Continue reading Need For Speed and Splenda: Top Gun Maverick

“Val” Kilmer, A Documentary in Collage Form

Ting Poo and Leo Scott had their hands full in directing the life story of Val Kilmer. Taken almost entirely from his own incessant videotaping his life in it’s entirety, Val literally tells his life story. Had I not read his sumptuously written memoir “I’ll Be Your Huckleberry”, I may have been more impressed. But… Continue reading “Val” Kilmer, A Documentary in Collage Form