Commission Possible: Dead Reckoning Dialogue

Fun vocabulary fact: Commission can mean the money you make on sales. Commission can also mean the act of granting certain powers or the authority to carry out a particular task or duty. And boy did the “writers” have a commission for lame dialogue. Read on. But first, Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning is worth seeing.… Continue reading Commission Possible: Dead Reckoning Dialogue

Need For Speed and Splenda: Top Gun Maverick

I thoroughly bought in by the second half of Top Gun Maverick (directed by Joseph Kosinski), the long postponed follow-up to the 1980’s machismo cult favorite. The dramatic pauses made me giggle a bit in the first half as did the intensely serious military explanations. But not a big deal, simply like jumping into a… Continue reading Need For Speed and Splenda: Top Gun Maverick

That’s amore`, that’s a screenplay! Spinelli’s American Made

Two aspects of American Made immediately impressed me; first the taut screenplay by Gary Spinelli* and Tom Cruise‘s perpetual likeability**. *I’ll continue to research, but thus far, there’s not a whole lot of bio information about Gary Spinelli. I assume he’s relatively new at screenwriting according to the short list of his writings on IMDB.… Continue reading That’s amore`, that’s a screenplay! Spinelli’s American Made

Tom Cruise shouldn’t be a punchline: Edge of Tomorrow

You shouldn’t wait till the Edge of Tomorrow to see this film. See it on the brink of today. And let’s discontinue the Scientology jokes, shall we? Tom Cruise not only chooses again and again self-deprecating characters (think his rotund balding exec from Tropic Thunder to the frightened military officer in this film), but delivers… Continue reading Tom Cruise shouldn’t be a punchline: Edge of Tomorrow