Marriage Story Busts into My Top Three of the Year, Easily!

As if my birthday wasn’t fun enough in NYC with my beautiful son Liam, yesterday thanks to my-friend-who-treats-me-like-gold Jack Guren, I was privileged enough to see a screener of Marriage Story, Noah Baumbach’s take on the gut wrenching process of divorce. You’d think the way our jaded culture (and myself in colder moments) throws the… Continue reading Marriage Story Busts into My Top Three of the Year, Easily!

Reese’s Pieces, “Wild”, Ode to My Mother

I’ll reiterate a statement I’ve made in the past, that the best movies change you on such a deep level that you feel differently not only when you leave the theater, but days afterward. “Wild” directed by Jean-Marc Valee is one of those touching movies, especially for a woman of a certain age like me… Continue reading Reese’s Pieces, “Wild”, Ode to My Mother