Poor Things does far more for feminism than Barbie, sorry Greta…

Poor Things is my number one movie of the year thus far. There’s still time left for Perfect Days or All Strangers Here as both trailers look like a heart crushers, but it’ll have to be supreme to beat Lanthimos direction with the delectable screenplay by Tony McNamara (Oscar nominee for another Lanthimos, The Favorite)… Continue reading Poor Things does far more for feminism than Barbie, sorry Greta…

Babes in Nutland: The Favourite

Hey, do you ever want to comment, but can’t due to the darn mail chimp service of which I have yet to crack the code? Well, don’t fret! Just tweet me at @getroxyxyz I’d love to hear from you! And don’t let this review title fool you, I really enjoyed The Favourite. See, I’ve been… Continue reading Babes in Nutland: The Favourite