Chemistry Counts: Guillermo No, Steven, Yes Sir!

(Write to me your comments and opinions at I did something I rarely do Friday when I chose walking out of Nightmare Alley over hari kari (now the latter would have been a carnival side show!). Just depression with all caps with zero chemistry between Mara and Cooper, as well as zippo for Cooper… Continue reading Chemistry Counts: Guillermo No, Steven, Yes Sir!

Baby Driver: Gentlemen, You Started My Engine!

And so it (finally) begins, an excellent summer movies season. First, Dinner with Beatrix and now BABY DRIVER. While not perfect, Baby Driver is excellent right up to the last ten minutes. But wait, this podcast is brought to you by Pete Ryckaert, a Rochester visitor who not only treated me to the movie, but… Continue reading Baby Driver: Gentlemen, You Started My Engine!