The Trial of the Chicago 7

Aaron Sorkin’s prolific and still relatively young. As I perused his filmography, here are my top five of his films: 1. Steve Jobs 2. Social Network 3. Moneyball 4. Molly’s Game 5. Tie: Charlie Wilson’s War and today’s specialty The Trial of the Chicago 7 Aaron’s forte is his snappy storytelling and The Trial of… Continue reading The Trial of the Chicago 7

O’ Captain, Middling Captain: Captain Fantastic

Red Box Rental: While my best buddy was here in Ft. Meyers for the last time until the next yule tide, we rented Captain Fantastic (Oscar nominated Viggo Mortensen), after I pulled my movie snob card and outvoted his Melissa McCarthy as girl scout master coach pick. But before you place the Oscar medallion around… Continue reading O’ Captain, Middling Captain: Captain Fantastic