Emilia Perez, Like the Terrain in Mexico-Audaciously Uneven

Jacques Audiard is not a director or screenwriter of which I’m familiar even though he’s raked in two BAFTA Awards (The Prophet and The Beat that My Heart Skipped). But I thoroughly enjoyed Emilia Perez which makes me want to seek out the aforementioned films.

In a nutshell, the story is: a drug lord who has battled sexual identity issues his entire life transitions and begins a new life with the help of an intelligent lawyer.

Here’s what was fantastic:

Zoe Saldana’s performance shows her versatility. She’s not just a blue gal from Avatar, but an actual actress, singer AND dancer!

Karla Sofia-Gascon was also an acting marvel. The subtleties in her performance, especially in the scenes with Selena Gomez were mesmerizing. Selena Gomez was a bit of a disappointment, but I think it was the way her role was written, more Spanish soap opera floozey than genuine woman.

The tonal shifts were a bit much, one minute we’re in Moulin Rouge mode and the next Umbrellas of Cherbourg. But still, the film held my attention, was entertainingly suspenseful and I cared what was happening to the characters. And considering the device I watched it on (an IPAD which begs me to ask-Sarasota theaters why the H E Double Toothpicks did you miss out on getting this here on the big screen?), is a true testament of how riveting it was.

And unfortunately, this musical makes the United States musicals this year look really, really stupid…(Joker a Deux, Wicked). Megalopolis is the exception to the US=2024 musical dunces rule.

I’d go so far as to put Emilia Perez at Number 5 in my Top 5 of the Year:
The Substance
Sing Sing
The Dead Don’t Hurt (does this one count, I’m confused about when it came out and if it could be a contender)
Between Two Temples
Emilia Perez

By Goldie

Book seller and film critic who retired from the institution of education. I've written plays, three of which have been performed both in Rochester NY and here in Sarasota FL. I also write stand up and obviously, film critique. My comment section does not work, so please email me your comments at irun2eatpizza@hotmail.com

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